Monday, 3 August 2020

Research Project | Eureka Study Aids

Thesis (equivalent to two course - 6 credit hours spread over semesters VII & VIII). 
Students will be required to undertake a small-scale investigation on a topic of individual interest in their area of specialization. The aim of this component is to encourage students to 
  • Develop the ability to collect, analyze and interpret data
  • Present their findings in a coherent and well-organized research paper and to avoid plagerism. 
  • Write an abstract presenting a critical summary of the paper comprising 150-200 words. 
  • Document their sources using MLA format for intext citation and works cited list. 
They will submit the first draft of the research paper at the end of semester VII. 
Each student will be provided individual supervision and guidance in the proposed research that he or she is conducting. 

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