Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Past Paper ENG-411 (Pedagogical Grammar) 2017 | Semester Seven BS English (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

Section I 
1. Write the short answers of the following questions. (15) 
(i) Write a comprehensive note on Tense and Aspect System of English syntactical structure. 
(ii) Write a brief note on some basic concepts of English Grammar. 
(iii) Briefly discuss the significance of Hypothetical Meaning in Pedagogical Grammar. 

Section II 
2. Write the long answers of the following questions. (45) 
(i) What is Clause? Write a detailed note on all the elements of Clause (Subject, Object, Verb, Adverbial, and Complement) in detail with examples. 
(ii) What is Modality? Discuss the significant role of modality in syntactical structure. 
(iii) Write a detailed note on the need and importance of Teaching Grammar in Pakistani context. 

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