Thursday, 10 September 2020

Past Paper ENG-408 (Teaching of Literature) 2017 | Semester Eight BS English (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

Section A 
1. Briefly answer the following questions. (15) 
(i) What is the importance of "Teaching The Whole Class"? 
(ii) How are students benefitting from lesson planning in schools? 
(iii) Define Continuous Professional Development? How is it influening Pakistani teachers' careers? 

Section B
2. Anwer the following questions in detail. (45) 
(i) What are the difficulties faced by teachers in conducting pair and group work activities? What suggestions will you give to solve them in order to benefit both the students and teachers? 
(ii) Which type of activities are better suited to teach writing skills? Design a lesson plan to teach writing skills to grade 4. 
(iii) How important is 'miroteaching' in training new teachers for an educational institution? How can this technique be more beneficial for the teaching of literature to Pakistan's government schools? 

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