Saturday, 22 August 2020

Past Paper ENG-104 (Introduction to Linguistics-II) 2017 | Semester Two BS English (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

1. Encircle the correct option of the following MCQS. (10) 
(i) Modern linguistic rules are __________ in nature. (descriptive, critical, precriptive, narrative) 
(ii) Chomskyan revolution in linguistics began in the late __________ (1950s, 1970s, 1960s, 1980s)
(iii) Onomatopic sounds are the __________ of words. (onomatopoeia, arbitrary, duality, imitation)
(iv) __________ is to talk about things, places and to yoke future, past and present. (displacement, symbol system, discreteness, open endedness) 
(v) Special concern of Linguistics is to __________ language. (correct, analyze, learn, study) 
(vi) The term universal grammar is associated with __________. (Bloomfield, Chomsky, Roman Jackobson, Micheal Halliday)
(vii) Semantics deals with __________. (formation of words, context, positioning of words, level of meaning) 
(viii) Phoneme is __________ form phone. (similar, same, larger, different) 
(ix) __________ deals with the contextual aspect of meaning. (discourse analysis, syntax, pragmatics, morphology) 
(x) Sound units that distinguish words from each other are called ___________. (phonemes, allophone, syllable, stress. 
2. Write the short answers of the following questions. (20) 
(i) What is linguistic sign? 
(ii) Define arbitrary nature of language. 
(iii) What are manners of articulation? 
(iv) Define discourse analysis. 
(v) What do you mean by complex vocabulary? 
(vi) Draw the difference between prescriptive approach and discriptive approach in linguistics. 
(vii) Define sociolinguistics. 
(viii) What is the difference between phonetics and phonology? 
(ix) What are phrase structure rules? 
(x) Define ellipses with example. 
3. Write the long answers of the following questions. (30) 
(i) Discuss structuralism in detail. 
(ii) Discuss the difference between spoken and written discourse in detail. 
(iii) What is language? Discuss the functions of language use with reference to functionalism. 

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